The last window casing all shimmed and bolted in. |
Jillena kept things tidied up out back by keeping a small fire going, burning dead branches from the hedgerow and scrap wood from inside the house. |
A view from the front yard. |
Dave passes the window frame up to Jeff on the scaffolding. |
Setting it down... |
...and moving around to the inside of the frame. |
Getting ready to lift it and pass it through the opening. |
Tilting and passing through the opening. The safety strap is already in place. |
Maneuvering the frame through the opening is a little tricky. |
Hanging onto the frame outside the opening, while fitting it against the casing. |
Aligning one side, then the other... |
...then pulling the frame back against the casing for a tight fit. |
Success! |
The last frame is in and the front wall is now complete except for the main entry door which will go directly below this window. |
Here's a look inside the house through a 1st floor window. |
Looking up from inside the house at the frame set in the casing with the safety strap tightened. |
Jillena climbed up on the scaffolding to put the sashes in and bring an end to this long project. |
The top two are in. |
Last sash installation. First she lines up the sash pins... |
...then tilts the sash up... |
...snaps the sash into the jambliner... |
...and slides it closed. |
OK, maybe we milked this a little, but it sure felt good to be done with another major project. |
Our house, with all of its windows and no doors. |