Before we could lay the tubing, we used spray paint to mark out the potential future walls should we decide to finish the basement at some point. This picture shows the layout of what may be two bedrooms at some point. |
This is a room marked out behind the stairwell area that may be a bathroom someday. These lines will correspond to the walls on the tube layout map Jeff drew, and will guide us in laying out our loops. |
Paul and Bob rigged up a free-spinning spool for the large tubing rolls. |
After pulling out quite a few feet of tubing and zip-tying the end through our temporary wall, we began zip-tying it to the mesh, following the west wall toward the north wall. This is our first loop which will be part of the largest zone covering the front and some of the center of the floor. This zone will take five loops of tubing, since each loop must be under 300' for the best efficiency. |
A bug's view of the first run of tubing going around a pier and along the edge of the west wall. This will be the "send" line. |
Jeff and Paul securing the last run in this loop before heading back to the temporary wall. This will be the "return" line. The runs are tied to every other wire in the mesh, which places them exactly 1' apart. |
This is what the floor in the Utility Room area is beginning to look like after laying 6 loops. There are 12 tubes pictured since each loop has a "send" and a "return". |
The 12 ends zip-tied to the wall. |
At this point, after 6 loops, over half of the floor layout is finished. |
Looking closer, you can see our pattern more clearly. |