The wire mesh comes in 5ft.-wide rolls. We cut 2-3 sections to make them easier to handle around the poles and tied them together with plastic zip ties.
For the two interior footer pads that were poured too high to use 1/2" insulation board, we used leftover sill seal to have at least a thin barrier between the pad and the floor.
Bob tightening a zip tie where two sections of mesh meet.
A new local visitor was seen exploring our wood pile.
Unrolling the mesh wasn't easy. Because of the tendency to curl, we had to unrolled it upside-down. Here, Jeff struggles with unrolling, while Bob takes a picture. He's supposed to be holding the end of the roll. :-)
Still having the concrete saw, we used that instead of bolt cutters to cut through the wire mesh.
Bob constructing the temporary wall in the Utility Room area that will hold up the ends of the floor tubing.
Once again...nice work, Bob!
<-- BACK TO CONSTRUCTION (Basement Slab)  


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