To pilot drill all of the holes, we stacked 8 panels at a time and drilled 1/8" holes - 8 per row, every 2 feet. By doing this on the ground, we'll have a cleaner look to the screw pattern since all the screws will be lined up. |
Jeff takes a picture of Bob with his cell phone. Notice the metal shavings left by the drill bit. These, along with any dirt, were carefully blown off with an air nozzle before moving the panels again. |
The injury of the day. Jillena caught the corner of one of the steel panels. Those things are sharp! |
After Bob left, Jillena went to work on the hedgerow, cutting out brush and vines that were smothering the larger trees. |
Jillena hauled out some long branches. |
Gathering a bundle of brush... |
...and heading to the burn pile. |
Inside, Jeff was pressure-washing the front wall. |
Our logs were so discolored that the wand had to be held just a few inches from the logs in order to be effective. |
A strange site to anyone driving by as water shoots through the gaps between the logs. |