The Town crew with the "mole" machine on our side of the road which punches a hole under the road, and their excavator on the opposite side of the road near the hole dug over the water main. |
Using a "sniffer" to check the path of the boring rod to determine if the location of the exit hole will be within tolerances. |
A Town worker operating the hydaulic "mole" machine. |
As the boring rod approaches the pit on the other side of the road, the wall begins to calve off. But they don't know for sure where the rod will exit. |
Then, as the wall begins to give way, the rod pokes through about 2 feet above the bottom of the pit. |
The hole is at an acceptable depth to hook up to the main tap. Next, the crew will fish the copper water line through the hole. |
With the copper line now fished under the road, it just needs to be cut to length and connected on both sides of the road. |
The 1" copper line and curb stop getting connected to our 2" plastic line. |
The copper line cut to length and connected to the water main. |
After a little backfilling, the connection on our side of the road and the curb stop are protected. |