We started digging the water line trench from the road end and dug straight back 300 feet.
We piled the topsoil on the right and the dirt on the left.
Down in the trench, looking toward the road. The trench was dug down about 5 feet, well below the frost line, for extra measure.
Looking back toward the excavator.
The trench was backfilled a little at the road end first to hold the pipe in place while we worked on unrolling the rest of the pipe coil.
The trench is about finished for now. All we have is one 300-foot coil. We'll install the other coil later.
Paul finishes cleaning out the end of the trench while John holds the coil.
Paul pulls some dirt back over the pipe at the end of the trench.
"Walking" along the right side of the trench, Paul continues backfilling the trench, heading back to the road.
Next, Paul pawed the topsoil back over the top of the trench and packed it down.
John brought the skidsteer over to help clean up the area around the trench.
Pawing more topsoil.
Tracking over the topsoil to pack it down.
Reshaping the adjacent swail.
Once we were finished with the pipe, we decided to use the rest of the day to work on the drain pit.
We had been running a sump pump in the pit while we were working on the trench to pump out most of the water.
You can see the water line above the pipe indicating how much water we pumped out. Paul worked the excavator, making the pit longer since we decided to add another 40 feet of drain pipe.
As Paul dug the pit, he saved the large concrete and asphalt blocks for placing along each side of the pipe and setting them over the pipe to protect it when we would eventually bury it.
Paul sets the concrete block from the previous photo alongside the pipe.
The pit has gotten much longer and we've added a couple new sections of pipe.
While Paul swings around to dump another shovel load, John continues digging out a small channel directly under the pipe.
Cleaning out the end of the pit after adding our extra four 10-foot sections of pipe.
Paul gently lays smaller mixed rocks and gravel to cover the pipe.
Just about finished covering the pipe. Next, we'll continue filling the pit with more concrete and asphalt.


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